About Us
Strategos is the only scientific journal that covers the scientific field of military-defense and security-intelligence science and art. It has been published regularly since 2017, thanks to all past and present editors-in-chief and members of the editorial board who selflessly invest efforts in preparing the magazine edition.
We hereby express our gratitude to all the authors of the papers who invested effort and all their knowledge, experience, expertise and competences into the scientific deliberations shaped into the papers that have been published in the Strategos magazine so far.
Great gratitude goes to the reviewers who accepted the review task and assessed and evaluated the quality of the author’s expertise and scientific contribution in the field of military, defense and security sciences.
The publishing process of the magazine Strategos requires considerable personal engagement, work, research and dedication from everyone involved in the publishing process of the magazine.
And finally, we would like to thank our external collaborators for their contribution in the form of sending articles and accepting review duties, and our colleagues at HVU for their support and cooperation, which greatly helped us in the successful completion of this project.