Instruction for authors
1. Suitability for publishing
Strategos will publish any contribution if it falls within the scope of the journal and if it satisfies the necessary criteria for acceptance, as verified by the review process. The final decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief after considering the Editorial Board’s advice. Due to the work’s compatibility with the journal’s mission, the Editorial Board may request revisions from the author. Any rejection of this request by the author shall be justified in writing.
The Editor-in-Chief of Strategos is solely accountable for the quality of all contributions and makes independent decisions regarding publication. A rejection based on the results of a review process will be supported by the actual reviews as well as an explanation from the Editor-in-Chief.
The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject any article, whether invited or not, and to make suggestions and/or modifications prior to publication, especially to maintain the journal’s readability standards.
Contributions that have been previously published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere will not be considered for publication in Strategos. If a manuscript contains – in whole or substantial part – previously published information or a reprint of a previously published work, the author(s) must acknowledge this fact in a cover letter to the Editorial Board and provide an explanation for the duplication. If the Editorial Board discovers overlapping or dual publication without prior author acknowledgement, the authors will be required to provide a detailed explanation in writing. The manuscript will be rejected if such an explanation is not provided or if the Editorial Board deems it insufficient.
We accept papers written in English. Due to its accessibility to the greater scientific and professional community, English is the primary language for paper publication. Should the topic require, authors may submit their work in Croatian, but alongside English version. Such works will be published in both languages.
All submitted manuscripts will be subjected to a preliminary review by the Editorial Board. Those deemed appropriate and assessed as likely to meet the criteria for original scientific articles, review articles, professional articles, and preliminary communications will undergo at least two double-blind peer reviews. Other types of submissions, such as book reviews, essays, comments and replies, symposium papers, interviews, and annotated bibliographies, will be reviewed only by the Editorial Board. The review results will be communicated to the author(s) within eight weeks.
Strategos is a multidisciplinary, international journal that publishes articles in English and, when needed, Croatian.
All papers should be written so that they are clear and understandable to readers from a variety of disciplines, as well as those whose first language is not English. The explanation of key technical terminology should be concise, but not didactic.
2. Instructions to authors for submission and formatting of text and images
The maximum length for submitted papers, including abstracts, notes, literature, graphs, and tables, is 36,000 characters with spaces. Exceptionally, papers exceeding that limit may also be accepted if the Editorial board of the journal so decides.
Texts are written in Times New Roman font, size 12, with line spacing 1.5. The text should not be specially formatted, and all unnecessary white space and emphasis (automatic tabs, automatic numbering, bold letters, underlining, etc.) should be eliminated. In addition to being attached as separate files, the work’s graphical representations must also be submitted as separate files. The minimum resolution for graphics must be 300 dpi.
In the top left margin of the manuscript, it is necessary to provide information about the author(s) (name and surname, title, institution, department or chair, complete address of the institution, e-mail address). This is followed by an abstract in the language of the paper and keywords (up to 6 keywords), both italicized. At the end of the paper, the author(s) should include a short text about themselves. For works written in Croatian, the title, abstract and keywords in English should be included at the end of the manuscript.
In-text citation and reference list must conform to APA citation style If a bibliographic unit listed in the bibliography has a DOI attributes, it must be listed at the end as a web page.
In the case that the citation deviates to a serious extent from the instructions and compliance with the APA style, the paper will be returned to the author for revision before being sent to the peer review process. The author(s) are responsible for the technical, spelling and stylistic quality of their own text.
Footnotes should be used in a limited way, to a reasonable extent, exclusively for additional clarifications of the main text, and never for citation.
Papers not prepared according to the Instructions for Authors will not be taken into consideration and immediately rejected.
Manuscripts must be submitted in *.doc(x) format exclusively via the OJS electronic system (
Forms and declarations:
During the submission of the work, the authors must agree with the Statement of Compliance. The author(s) confirm with a statement that they are the sole author(s) of the submitted text; that all persons who have the right to authorship are included in the list of authors; that all authors and relevant institutions have read the submitted version of the paper and approve its submission; that the submitted work has not been published or accepted for publication, nor is it in the process of being considered for publication elsewhere, in whole or in significant part; that the work does not violate copyright or other property rights; that the authors strictly followed the scientific methodology related to citing and citing sources of other copyright holders; that the work was made in accordance with the legal requirements of the country in which it was created and to which it refers, as well as the ethical requirements of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE); and that the authors have ensured that the submitted work does not contain (except on the title page) information that could reveal any information that could reveal the identity of the author and compromise the anonymity of the review process.
The statement of compliance
When the work is accepted for publication in Strategos, the authors should sign the Copyright Assignment Form, which is available at the following link Copyright Assignment Form. The form should be downloaded, signed and submitted through the OJS platform before the work is published in Strategos. Without the signed form of all authors, the paper will not be published.
3. Code of ethics
The opinions and positions expressed in the articles belong only to the authors and do not reflect the official opinions and positions of any institution.
The editorial office will take appropriate steps to identify and prevent the publication of articles where there has been a violation of the rules of the profession / abuse in research, including, among others, plagiarism and self-plagiarism, manipulation of quotations, and falsification, presentation of incorrect data / fabrication of data. Under no circumstances will the journal or editorial board encourage or knowingly allow such behaviour to occur. In the event that the editors become aware of any accusation related to the violation of the rules of the profession / abuse in the research of the published article, the editors will be guided by the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [1] in dealing with potential accusations.
The Editor-in-chief, members of the Editorial Board and reviewers of the journal have undertaken to keep the content of the received manuscripts confidential.
A detailed publication ethics and publication malpractice statement can be found here: Strategos Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.
4. Statement about the journal as an open source
Strategos advocates actual and immediate open access to academic work. All articles can be freely accessed immediately after the publication date. Authors do not bear the costs of publishing their work, just as no fee is charged for downloading articles from readers for review and their own scientific use. In order to facilitate this, Strategos relies on the financial operations of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, the goodwill of its editorial team and the International Advisory Board, and the continuous support of a network of reviewers. The copyright of the appearance and design of articles in Strategos remains with the publisher and cannot be used in other publications.
License terms
Strategos allows others to distribute, modify and rework the published work, even for commercial purposes, with the obligation to credit the author of the original work.
You can find the legal text of the license at:
5. Electronic backup, long-term data preservation and access to journal content
The publisher guarantees that all published materials will continue to be available in the event that the journal is no longer published. Access to the archive will be made available on the Publisher’s (MOD) website.
[1]Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”, available at: